Is it worth the risk?

Christmas Eve night is typically the night that is associated with a lot of pressure. . . have we done this, did we forget that. . . what if this and what if that. . . our anxiety goes through the roof as we scramble to get everything ready for the big day. . . we make sure we haven't forgotten any of the essential items for tomorrows dinner. . . And for us parents who are still have their children at home, we are running around putting presents under the tree and making sure no little ones come for a quick peek! 
It's especially nerve wrecking when you have to build something or set something up. Because if you mess it up, it's not just that easy to nip out and get another one. You can tell i'm speaking from experience here. . . I remember it took about 3 of us one Christmas eve to build one of the girls toys. . . it was not a silent night that night i can assure you! lol. 
But. . . I'm sure we all have our routines for Christmas Eve. . . So, despite all of the chaos and things that await us when we get home . . . I want to thank you for making Church part of your plans this evening. . . 
I want to share a few things with you tonight about some of the events that happened the night of Jesus birth. A lot of us probably know this story inside out, but I want to show you some of the things that you maybe haven't picked up on or have maybe forgotten over the years. 
At our Bible study recently, we did a quiz. We had 2 teams and I asked 25 questions about the nativity story. . . now i'm not going to embarrass anyone by revealing the scores or even some of the answers that were given, but I will say that no team got all of the questions right lol. . . So, sometimes it can be worth going over a the story again as it might help fill in some of the blanks. . . 
But that's also the beauty of Scripture. . . that no matter how many times you read it, there's always something to be revealed or remembered. 
So let's take another quick look at the night of Christ's birth from the gospel accounts. . . 
There are a few groups of people getting prepared for the big event. . .
The first group I want to talk about are the kings. . . Or the Maggi as they are called in the book of Matthew. . . 
Now I want to expel a very common myth. . . we talked about this at our Advent Bible Study earlier in the month, but believe it or not there weren't 3 kings. . . there were 3 gifts, but it doesn't actually specify in scripture exactly how many kings or maggi there were. . . So, that famous carol "we three kings" isn't totally accurate. lol. 
Anywho. . . these wise men, followed a star all the way to Bethlehem. Except they had to be careful on their return trip because they didn't wan't to tell Herod where Jesus was. They would have been looking over their shoulder every step of the way. . . they would have had a lot to think about and deal with but for them. . . it was worth the risk. . . 
In Matthew chapter 2 we read. . . 9 After listening to the king, they went their way. And behold, the star they had seen in the east went on before them, until it came to rest over the place where the Child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great gladness. 11 And when they came into the house, they saw the Child with His mother Mary; and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. [c] 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their own country by another way.
Then we have the shepherds. These men devoted their life to looking after sheep. It was their livelihood. It was all they knew and was more than a job. It was their way of life. They were devoted to protecting these sheep. So, it would have been very very unusual for them to leave them. . . and that's worth focusing on for a few moments. Because just like the Maggi, the shepherds also thought. . . the risk was worth it. . . 
Luke chapter 2 tells us. . . When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
So, I want to pose the question to each and every one of us here tonight. . . is the risk worth it when it comes to searching for and following Jesus?. . . 
I preached a few months ago on counting the cost of being a disciple of Christ . . . and I asked the question. . . are you prepared to pay the cost of being a follower of Jesus? 
Let me ask you another question. . . just like the shepherds, if you were told to follow Jesus, if God told you tonight that he wants you to leave your source of income to follow Him, would you do it? . . . 
that's exactly what the shepherds where being asked to do here. . . they were being told to leave everything they knew, their way of life and their source of sustenance, to leave all of that behind and seek Jesus. . . Would you have been so quick to leave the sheep in search for the shepherd? 
All of us have shown signs of sacrifice here this evening, because i'm sure we can think of a hundred things that need to be done before we go to bed tonight, but instead, as I mentioned earlier, you have chosen to be here. . . 
and that has cost you something. . . maybe that cost was less for some as it was for others, maybe it was a struggle to come this evening because there is just so much to do. . . but how true is that throughout the year also. . . 
The distractions of this world come thick and fast. . . we are more and more are blindsided by busyness and controlled by consumerism, that we really struggle to make time for the important things in life. . . 
I'm not saying this to condemn any one or make them feel guilty, because I'm as guilty of is as anyone. . . life just sometimes gets in the way. 
But we need to let these moments where we gather around God's word to remind us that sometimes we need to re-allign our focus. That sometimes we need to be intentional with our time and focus on the things that matter. 
There can be times in life as well, when sometimes God just shows up. I'm sure there are times that some of us can remember where we have just seen the hand of God at work when least expected it. 
Mary and Joseph where on their way to Bethlehem when Jesus showed up. I'm sure Mary would have preferred to give in the comfort of her own home surrounded by family and support. Yet it was at the moment where they had nowhere to rest, that was the specific time that Jesus was born. 
Because no matter what we do sometimes, God might have a better plan. No matter how many plans we try and make and how much we try and prepare for this and that, sometimes God does it a different way. 
That's why all that we are required to do is trust. Is to have faith that when we don't have things figured out that God will show up and do it His way. 
Isaiah 55:8-9 says . . . 
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
We may not know why God has chosen to do things this way but there is always a higher reason which typically leads to a better out come. 
But for some of us, we struggle to let go. We struggle to stop forcing our way and look for His way. 
I've seen this many times in churches, where they begin to prepare and make plans for this project and that project, but that might not be the area that God has called them to work in, and then the church gets disheartened because the project wasn't successful. . . . 
That's why I always encourage us to pray together for the first seven days of the year. So, that our hearts may be alligned with God's for the things He would have us do and the areas he would have us work in. . . Because the reality is, when we try and do things in our own way, they might work for a while, but they will never be as fruitful as when we are led by the Spirit to do the things that God wants for His church. . . 
And again, that's why on the Saturday of our prayer week we will be having a vision day, where we will come together and share our thoughts and ideas because I believe that God speaks to us all. . . You might have different ideas that God might have put on your heart, so please make a point of coming to that Saturday morning. 
For some people, it might be difficult to know if it's a God idea or just a good idea. We all struggle from time to time to discern that.But an old minister friend, i remember hearing him preach on this very thing, he said "if you struggle to know if it's God, theres 2 things you need to do. . . the first is to check scripture. . . because God will never tell you something that's not in scripture. . . but the second thing is this. . . just do it. . . '" Because we will figure it out soon enough if it is from God or not. . . . And we will figure it our by the fruit is bears. 
But again, here we can see that pattern from the scripture we read tonight. . . There is risk involved. 
You see we can look at the advent story as one that sets the scene for Christ's life leading to the cross. We can look at it as a nice story to hear over Christmas. . . or we can look at it like the start of something amazing. . . Where God himself became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus was able to experience all of the things we experience, but was able to show us a life of love and grace. So, that we may walk in His example as disciples. . . 
The Christmas story should lead is to something more. . . it should lead us to action. Just like the Maggi when they decided not to return to Herod, just like the shepherds when they left their flock exposed to the dangers around them, and Just like Mary and Joseph who left the comfort of their home and family, they all took a risk that night. They all sacrificed something that night. . . and they did it all for the sake of Jesus. 
So, this Christmas, I want to pose this question to you. . . what are you willing to sacrifice this coming year? What are you will to risk in search for Jesus? 
None of us know what this coming year will hold. . . whether there will be times of joy or trials of sorrow. None of us know where we are going to be this time next year. . . and that uncertainty should cause us to stop think. It should cause us to think about the things that are constant, that are sure and steadfast. And the only thing in life that is this reliable, is God. 
That means sometimes we have to say no to self and yes to God. It means sometimes we will have to sacrifice certain things in order to do the things God wants us to do, and it means that sometimes we have to change direction and turn towards God. 
So as I close, ask yourself today. . . is it worth the risk? I pray that you find that answer to be. . .  Yes.

Parish Prayer Week 2024


Being a Community