Our content is designed to help you…


We want to help you become who Christ has called you to be. So, we have made our content available to inspire and encourage you on that journey of discovery as you walk closer with God.


Spirit Lead Me

This is a 6 week sermon series that helps you discover the power that comes from walking with the Spirit. When it comes to life choices, needing strength in difficult times, and discerning the journey ahead, the Holy Spirit is there to guide and help you along the way.

Lent 2023

Over the 40 days of lent, we focussed on the topic of Transformation. Asking ourselves some of the difficult questions throughout the 6 weeks. We also have shared some amazing testimonies from the Diocese of Down and Dromore that will hopefully encourage and inspire you.

Sunday Services

Our Sunday services each week focus on some of life’s key topics and take us through areas of the Bible that speak into those areas of our lives. As we journey through the different seasons in our lives, the word of God directs us and comforts us, and we pray that these sermons show God’s love and guidance for your life.


Faith | Hope | Love | Mission

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Download our 4 part series on discipleship. This short booklet will take you through the four topics of Faith, Hope, Love, and Mission, and explain the role that each of those have to play in being a Disciple of Christ


Here are some podcasts we think you should follow, including our own. We believe you will be blessed and challenged by the content you find.

St Andrew’s Ballyhalbert: Sermons, Podcasts, and Interviews

Dr Alan Wilson: The Leadership Journey

Church of England: Time to Pray

Read the sermon…